From the Desk of Rob Kimes – July

We are finally into summer, and I believe I have seen the sun a couple of times through all the rain.

Our 125th Annual Convention wrapped up in June. The Convention was held at Glade Springs which always exceed our expectations. All the attendees and their families enjoyed what Glade Springs had to offer such as escape rooms, swimming, horseback riding and our bowling tournament. Jared Jenkins showed off his bowling skills by edging out our NFDA guest representative Christopher Robinson to take the top honors. A new group of officers were elected and installed. We also had some great continuing education classes, time to catch up with friends and just an overall great time. I would like to thank all the
sponsors of our convention, without their support our events wouldn’t be nearly as successful. Next year’s convention will be a display year, so be looking for further information and plan to attend.

Even though Summer is here, your Association is keeping up with legislative issues and have been in contact with government agencies on a variety of issues. I will forward any information coming out of these discussions as it happens.

The Board of Directors have directed and approved the upgrading of our website. We are currently working with the web masters to build an Association personalized website. Look for future information on the website in the coming months.

In July our Association will be represented at the NFDA Leadership Conference. This is where officers gain advanced knowledge in their respective offices and where our policy board representative acquires information that is affecting other regions and on the
national level.

As the United States economy grows so does the benefit of using the WV Pre-Need Funeral Trust. With the unprecedented results of Wall street, we have seen outstanding results in our conservative portfolio that we have not seen before. The Association has had the good fortune of signing up more funeral homes to take advantage of what the Trust offers than ever before. If you would like more information or have questions, contact me or Jeff Faucette.

Have a safe and enjoyable Summer and as always if you need your Association contact us and we will help any way we can.


Rob Kimes CFSP, CCO