Membership Benefits
When you become a member of the WV Funeral Directors and Crematory Operators Association, you become an important part of an Association made up of dedicated funeral directors and crematory operators throughout the state of WV.
You will become part of an active, well known Association that protects and promotes the interests of funeral service and its members. We promote excellence in funeral service by providing services and education to help you and your business grow.
Benefits at a Glance:
- NFDA Membership
- Up to date funeral service information in our state and abroad
- Legislature Representation
- Fact Line ~ Quarterly Newsletter
- Vendor Discounts
- WV Pre-Need Funeral Trust Program
If you are already a valued member of the WV Funeral Directors and Crematory Operators Association and wish to renew your membership, you may visit the link below to complete your renewal.
Supplier Member Applications
- Service Oriented Supplier Member: Business of consulting in nature. Services provided (answering), publications, clothing rentals, service reporting and management.
- Sales (Retail & Wholesale) of Merchandise Supplier Member: Casket salesman and companies, fluid representatives and companies, specialty and auto sales, monument dealers and wholesalers.
- Insurance Supplier Member: General Insurance to the industry to include all lines with the exception of Pre-Need Burial Insurance or Final Expense Insurance.
- Pre-Need Funding Supplier Member: Any company other than any endorsed by the WVFDCOA as a participating provider that markets pre-need / final expense funding sources other than the WVPFT. (competing)

Outcompete Marketing Inc
5255 Nelson Brogdon Blvd
Sugar Hill, GA 30518
(800) 461.4780