Why Use WVFT

The Trust is offered by the West Virginia Pre-Need Funeral Trust, Inc. and the West Virginia Funeral Directors and Crematory Operators Association. We are accountable to the members of the trust and oversee the operation and management of the Trust.

The Trust is managed by a team of professionals guiding the Trust including the Trustee, the investment manager and the administrative management firm. The Trust Board meets at least quarterly with our professional service partners to review the operation of the Trust. During times of unusual economic activity, the Board calls special meetings to address any concerns. Our goal is simple: to act proactively on behalf of our members.

The Board has assembled a team of professional service partners who help us manage the West Virginia Funeral Trust. Our team includes the Williams-Faucette Advisory Group of Raymond James, Administrative Systems, Inc., and Summit Trust and Wealth Management Group. These firms have worked with us since 1995 providing a combined and cohesive pre-need solution.

The Williams-Faucette Advisory Group of Raymond James serves as the investment manager for the Trust. They consult with the Board on the investment structure of the portfolio and report performance on the Trust. ASI, Inc. provides all contract valuation services and prepares the required Attorney General reports and any tax reporting. Summit Trust and Wealth Management Group serves as the Trustee and provides oversight and cash management services. Enrollment in the West Virginia Funeral Trust is easy. Simple forms and other informational materials make the Trust easy to use.

The investment goal of the Trust is to provide a rate of return that is higher than inflation, CD’s or money markets. Trust returns are based on the actual performance of the underlying investments.

Call us at any time  304-345-4711